Perfect Solution Music
Synth arpeggios and rhythms with a rainforest soundtrack in the background.
Standard License
Atmospheric loop with flute melody. Lots of action, very vibrant indicating a hectic scene.
Standard License
Lively and futuristic. Bouncy synth and vocal effects in this light industrial piece. It's almost as if the machines are talking.
Standard License
Eastern melody against modern western hip-hop rhythms with attitude.
Standard License
Train-like rhythms signal a pulsing orchestral track which rises to a climax. Great for opening and closing sequences.
Standard License
Muted trumpet phrases, pianos, subdued rhythms and vocal lines all combine to produce an abstract chillout track. Tranquil and warm, this soft piece will put you at ease but does contain some slightly melancholic moments.
Standard License
Bouncy and joyful rhythm with simple bell melodies.
Standard License
Energetic and aggressive track that taunts you into action.
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Acoustic guitar solo. Not staying around much in one place for too long.
Standard License
Phat industrial sounds whizz from side to side as industrial beats, vocal effects and aggressive dance music in the style of the Prodigy create the impact of this track.
Standard License
Atmospheric backdrop full of suspense with lighter passages.
Standard License
This strange mix of children singing haunting phrases to a house style dance track is unnerving and disturbing. Creepy harp melodies and synth arpeggios add to the weird nature of this unique hybrid soundtrack.
Standard License
Guitar based blues, based on a repetitive blues riff. Quite slow.
Standard License
Modern synth sounds and effects dominate this medium tempo piece. Orchestral stab effects. Drives along.
Standard License
Prominent synth sounds and drum track create an industrial feel. Good for background or feature segments.
Standard License