A quirky, light and cheeky comedy track, made with various percussion and acoustic instruments. Suggestive and fun.
Standard License
Meditation track with marimba panflute, piano, accoustic guitar & tabla. Ambient intro then steady rhythm of drums with main motive. Meditation music pensive slightly romantic and sad. Good for travel programms and filmscore.
Standard License
A bright, uplifting and feel-good Tropical Pop track. Let the weekend vibes get your feet tapping and enjoy the summerly feel of this happy, bubbly, but also kind of relaxed and easy-going, positive dance pop track.
Standard License
A corporate track with accented xylophone and guitar. A very easy and positive composition, it has funny and carefree mood, as if party begins or friends go to beach to have a rest in the sun. No tension or troubles, just leisure and fun!
Standard License
A curious, quirky and slightly jazzy track made with various acoustic instruments, percussion, electric guitars and more. Thoughtful / Thinking. Processing / Developing / Intelligent.
Standard License
A warm and playful, easy-going, light pop track with a slightly tropical / island sound. Featuring a cheerful piano melody accompanied by a sun-drenched ukulele rhythm.
Standard License
Atmospheric and floating electronica track working perfectly as an intrusive background track for any scientific or research, space or travel projects and the like.
Standard License
Jaunty, frolicking orchestral overture paying homage to the golden age of comedy film & TV music. A mad, bouncy motif that would suit TV, radio, games and short films.
Standard License
A calm and relaxing track featuring simple piano and marimba harmony, with very smooth and easy flow. Inspiring / mellow.
Standard License
Funny swing track featuring very positive mood and an old fashioned sound. It features quirky melody on ukulele and xylophone, accompanied with guitar and second ukulele, bass and shaker. Cheeky and fun.
Standard License
Driving repetitive motif over a dreamy orchestral and synthetic bed, filled with a discovery aura. Positive sense of motion and purpose with a think out of the box atmosphere.
Standard License
Standard License
A march to help get those unruly duck's in a row! Featuring acoustic bass, ukulele, acoustic guitar, marimba, piano and tin whistle.
Standard License
Fresh, spirited and upbeat instrumental Indie track. Its catchy whistled melody is accompanied by a vocal melody line, marimba, acoustic guitars, drums, claps and effects.
Standard License
A warm and smooth, sophisticated chillout groove. The rather sparse marimba opening is soon joined by the slowly swaying waves of a downtempo beat, lush strings and swirling pads. Excellent for summer time, holiday, vacation and discovery.
Standard License