Aggressive electro tune with a prominent synths. Features a four to the floor house beat with sharp acid leads and a strong rhythmic bass. A funky main drop gives the track plenty of energy while slow dub step feel in the breaks brings a nice contrast.
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The famous Christmas melody from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker. Great for holiday specials and commercials. Traditional orchestra with disco groove.
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Blazingly fast techno beat with drum'n bass influence mixed with a twisted and mangled guitar riff gives this track a great hook and makes it highly suitable for high energy, high impact material such as extreme sports, etc.
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A hard rocking track that evokes thoughts such as riding through the desert with extreme determination. Great for action films or anything with a desert theme.
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A hybrid orchestral / electronic track, high on tension and edge. Big infusion of energy at about 01:30.
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Driving and focused dance / EDM track. Hi-tech / Multimedia / Technology / Sports.
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A truly grand and epic track. Hybrid orchestral, with electronic percussion and electric guitar and a choir joining in later. A sense of high drama and epic journeys. Amazement / Heroic / Determined / Grand.
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Happy Rock / Punk-Rock / Fun Sports. An exiting and positive guitar based track. Can be described as Punk Pop or light Punk Rock, perhaps College Rock. A little bit unruly, excited, punky. Good for racing, sports, fun and action, downhill.
Standard License
Fast, aggressive, big and powerful epic drums track. Urgent, determined.
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Steady and funky dance beats with varied and melodic synth parts, Groovy and positive, with an uplifting and sprightly feel.
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Intense high energy complextro work out. Slamming bass edits and soaring leads transport you take you straight to the heart of clubland.
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A catchy pop-dance track with big clubby, driving electronic drums, big synth bass and cutting portamento synth hooks over the chorus. Energetic with an emotional feel.
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Melodic up-tempo guitar rock.
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What sounds at first like a jungle track with a deep tribal sounding counter rhythm to the modern drum track, soon turns into trance anthem with filtered chords that change their sound as they pound away with vigorous energy.
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Standard License