Eccentric, zany and quirky, this country track has a unique, slap-stick comedy tone. Based around the fretless timbre of the plucked fiddle, the arrangement is reinforced by mandolin, electric bass, jaw harp, claps and percussion.
Standard License
Lively and quaint, this single, acoustic guitar performance is at the crossroads of country blues and folk fingerstyle guitar. It easy evokes the sentiment of early roots music, the playfulness of country life and its simplicity.
Standard License
A happy and upbeat music track featuring acoustic and electric guitars, slide guitars, percussion, bass guitar and drums. Catchy and jovial, with optimistic melodies suitable for TV commercials, advertising, daytime TV and more.
Standard License
Ethnic soundtrack in an electronic ambient style and mix genres featuring synth, SFX, bayan, ballayka, authentic russian woman vocal in a middle part. Will work well as video background for expeditions to a desert places, documentary film about Russia.
Standard License
A very old Irish folk piece composed originally by Turlough O'Carolan between 1670-1738. This is a sad and longing piece played by fiddle, with guitar accompaniment. Sombre and slightly mournful, this melancholy piece is beautiful.
Standard License
A warm and summerly, breezy and easy-going Country / Pop / Light rock track, with a folksy, homey feel. Cozy and friendly.
Standard License
An original piece stylized as a medieval era Eastern European folk dance. Fleurdelis ensemble w authentic instruments of the time; the Hurdy-Gurdy, Bouzouki, Recorder and percussion instruments. Excited, busy, happy, celebratory. Early music / Medieval.
Standard License
Soulful, raw and catchy, this bluesy guitar-based track is great for creating feelings of home, rural locales and sentiment. The acoustic guitar is supported melodically by overdriven electric guitar.
Standard License
Positive, optimistic and fun music track featuring acoustic guitars, glockenspiel, bass guitar and drums. Friendly and catchy composition, great for commercials and adverts.
Standard License
Standard License
Positive and inspiring acoustic composition with a hopeful and optimistic vibe. Warm and beautiful melodies performed on acoustic guitar, bass and light percussion.
Standard License
Lively barn dance. While fiddles, banjo, accordion, cheery melody, pulling that real '
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A hazy, slow, Americana / Folk, textural track featuring acoustic guitar, acoustic piano and harmonica lead. Lamenting, with a sore/regretful feel. Also available without the harmonica. All live performance; no computers.
Standard License
Acoustic guitar music. Like a flower blossomed in slow motion, warm and hypnotic. Acoustic nylon guitar arpeggios leads to a state of glare and reflection.
Standard License
Happy upbeat fresh and fun acoustic folk track with a little bit of a Mumford & Sons style. Use for any inspirational videos, corporate and business productions, advertisements, youtube videos and more.
Standard License